2017-04-19 Trip Day 24

Day 24, April 19

Travelling - London to Singapore

As this day breaks, we are somewhere over Eastern Europe - I think!
We left London at around 10 pm London time and we landed in Singapore at 6 pm Singapore time.  We flew over Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, the Caspian Sea, perhaps Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, across the Indian Ocean to the coast of Malaysia, then round Singapore a few times to find a path down through the cloud.

Finally reached Village Hotel Changi and crashed.  A beautiful hotel room, definitely top of the tree for our whole trip, a nice place to recover our strength ready for our final (relatively short) leg to Sydney.

When I connected to the hotel WiFi and checked my email, I got the news that I have been sacked as a Google Top Contributor - for daring to criticise the employees for providing bad customer service.  They claim I was "abusive"!

This is another day of no photos!
